Below the forehead are the eyes, which form the most precious portion of the human body, and which, by the enjoyment
of the blessings of sight, distinguish life from death. Eyes,
however, have not been granted to all animals; oysters have
none, but, with reference to some of the shell-fish, the question
is still doubtful; for if we move the fingers before a scallop
half open, it will immediately close its shell, apparently from
seeing them, while the solen[1] will start away from an iron
instrument when placed near it. Among quadrupeds the
mole[2] has no sight, though it has something that bears a resemblance to eyes, if we remove the membrane that is extended in front of them. Among birds also, it is said that
a species of heron, which is known as the "leucus,"[3] is
wanting of one eye: a bird of most excellent augury, when
it flies towards the south or north, for it is said that it
portends thereby that there is about to be an end of perils and
alarms. Nigidius says also, that neither locusts nor grasshoppers have eyes. In snails,[4] the two small horns with which
they feel their way, perform the duties of eyes. Neither the
mawworm[5] nor any other kind of worm has eyes.
1. Or razor-sheath. See B. x. c. 88.
2. Aristotle was of this opinion, but Galen maintained that the mole can see;
see. Its eye is extremely small, and hard on the surface.
3. Or "white" heron. As Cuvier remarks, this is probably a mere
augur's fable.
4. It is almost needless to remark, that both snails, as well as locusts and
grasshoppers, have eyes.
5. Lumbricus.